Clearing the NBCOT® Exam Cannot Get This Simpler

NBCOT® stands for National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy. Preparing for this exam may be stressful yet with an ideal study plan. The correct tools tailored to suffice your needs, you will be capable of passing the NBCOT® exam as well as excel in it. No matter it is your first attempt or not, you will always feel apprehensive regarding how to prepare and how to come out with flying colors. Amidst being overwhelmed via the continuous new information stream coming your way you can succeed if you have the motivation to it. To know how to keep reading.

Today’s Best and Happiest Jobs

Getting a degree in Occupational Therapy will be the stepping stone towards beginning a career. It will be satisfying both professionally and personally. Currently, this job is regarded amid the happiest and the best to have. The demand for occupational therapists has gone up by leaps and bounds owing to the developing rehabilitation and medical industry. In fact, this is excellent news for upcoming graduates as well as students embarking on an educational career in becoming future occupational therapists. Online education or distance learning has turned immensely popular. It offers a means to people in getting a college education both on their schedule and at their pace. This is immensely helpful for those who work while completing their education. It is also for people who cannot attend regular classes on campus.

To enroll in this course

So if you are keen to enroll in this course online, you need to research the options carefully. The job of the OT or Occupational Therapist indeed is demanding as well as varied. After all, you will be accountable to watch people perform a daily task and also review their medical history. Also, you will require evaluating the needs of a person and their condition. Establish the right treatment plan that is customized individually to every person’s needs. Your job will be to help people of every age and various conditions to perform tasks to assist them in their day to day life.

The Significance of Certifications

Despite the fact that OT assistants do not possess any doctoral degree nor finalize treat plans and prescribe medication, they work closely one-on-one with their OT in cases and also closely with the patients. Some OTAs realistically spend more time with the patients compared to the therapist himself. Thus, it is vital for a care standard to be upheld both therapists and assistants for ensuring patients the care which they require and COTAs understand the significance of their jobs as well as appropriately performing the same. Through certification, the employers are capable of hiring those people that have attained all necessary schooling as well as clinical training in order to know they are employing people who are trained and will be capable of performing their job up to mark.

Tips to Crack OT

If you are in a fix on how to crack the OT exam, then you are not alone. There are countless students every year that face the same. The good news is today many institutes offer proper coaching to clear NBCOT® exam at one go. Ever since their foray, they have created a niche for offering best in class tutoring on NBCOT® and have helped many students to come out with flying colors. They offer one-to-one tutoring through phone or Skype. Every tutor in this institute is certified, experienced, highly dedicated and passionate with their work. Renowned institutes such as these offers tried and tested guidelines to students to help them emerge victoriously. Some of these are as follows,

The More Practice, the Better-

First and foremost, students should practice a lot of past examination question papers as possible using untold resources accessible to them. If not, they will end up to recycle the same questions and blindly memorize the answers rather than applying their test-taking strategies and critical thinking skills to come up with the best answer suitable. So, every student needs to practice more and more to become an expert and confidently crack the exam.

Simulated Timed Exams-

Students should take a minimum of 3 simulated test papers prior to sitting for the main exam to build their focus and stamina. They can begin with shorter exams initially and build up around 4 hours gradually in similar tests as akin to the real NBCOT® exam.

Discover the Actual Question-

Prior to selecting the answer, one should ensure in identifying the sentence which has the actual question that they require to answer. Getting lost amid the sea of the information offered is easy, and a student may end up reading excessively into the question. Thus, students must ensure in developing the habit to identify the actual question and ensure they answer it prior to selecting their final answer choice.

Deconstruct and Dissect-

The student should ask them if their choice of answer is,


Check every precaution, acuity of the condition, contraindications, age, and population.


Is the answer honest and ethical?


Is the action respecting the desires, needs, culture, and religion of the client?


The services that one will offer will be in the likes of a trained and licensed practitioner. Thus, the answer choice must throw light on a response that is skilled be it in intervention, assessment or observation.


The answer which has a particular action for a measurable goal will be far better compared to a vague or passive action. Take, for instance, performing independent and safe transfers through the transfer sliding board will be a more measurable, active intervention and thus a better choice compared to avoiding unsafe transfers during the bed mobility.

Last but not least the student needs to know where they are in the process. To know this, they can check their test score, watch OT process videos or take the help of their respective instructors. This way they can build on their weak points and try harder to crack it on the final day finally. Hard work and dedication will definitely pay off.