Arash Hadipour Niktarashon Recovering From a Virus

Arash Hadipour Niktarash fever is a common symptom of many illnesses. It can be attributed to COVID-19, the common cold, infection, and more. It can also be a symptom of the flu. These symptoms come on mostly during seasonal changes. Fever can occur in cases of infection as the body fights to protect you against whatever ailment you have. It is an indication that something beyond the ordinary functioning of the body has happened. Most fevers that occur due to flu viruses or colds last for around three to four days. The degree of fever may be as high as 102 degrees Fahrenheit. In case you are suffering from a fever and want relief, some common remedies can be found listed below.

Ways to lower a high temperature as described by ArashHadipourNiktarash

  • Get rest: One common cause of a rising body temperature is indulging in too much exertion and activities. To recover from a fever, you have to rest. If your fever is around 102 degrees Fahrenheit, you should rest throughout the day and drink lots of fluids, especially water. Sleep is the best way to support the immune system in its aim to fight a fever.
  • Rehydrate: Fever may cause a loss of your body’s fluids and result in dehydration. Drink plenty of water and juices when you are suffering from a fever. The intake of fluids is an important part of any treatment plan if a fever occurs from the flu, a cold, an infection or a virus.
  • A temperate environment: If you have a fever, make sure to keep the room temperature stable; it should not be too cold, nor too hot. According to Arash Hadipour Niktarash, If your surroundings are pleasant, your nerves have the chance to relax. Cooler environments can help you fall asleep, which can also reduce the temperature of your fever. Draw the curtains and keep your fan on medium speed to create an ideal sleep environment.
  • Avoid bulky clothing: When you have a fever, it is essential to wear light-weight clothes that let your body breathe. You should stay warm, as you don’t want chills. But lighter clothing can have a cooling effect. Warm clothing, on the other hand, increases body temperature even in normal circumstances. Lighter clothing lets the body regulate at its own pace.
  • Damp cloth: Many doctors suggest placing a wet washcloth on the back of your neck and forehead to help reduce symptoms associated with a fever. In addition to this, a sponge bath with lukewarm water or cold water may also reduce the body’s temperature. This method is called the tepid sponge method. You may do this process for around 5 minutes or more, depending on your condition.
  • Medicine: If you have viral fever, you may consult a doctor to get medication to help you deal with the symptoms of a virus. Acetaminophen is a drug that is commonly taken for fever. It can provide relief from minor pains and aches.

Do not panic if you have a fever. For the first few days, you may manage the fever on your own with the remedies mentioned above. However, if the fever lasts more than three to four days, get in touch with your doctor for medical intervention.