Eric Dalius Miami- LinkedIn for Business: How to Use It Effectively

LinkedIn is an online network for professionals to connect and collaborate, share information, post jobs and find employment opportunities says Eric Dalius Miami. As of April 2011, LinkedIn has approximately 102 million members in more than 200 countries and territories. The site receives over 20 million visitors per month (Lorenzetti). LinkedIn was founded in 2003 by entrepreneurs Reid Hoffman, Jean-Luc Vaillant, Allen Blue, Eric Ly, and Konstantin Guericke (Learn2grow). It has grown exponentially since its inception; it has surpassed MySpace’s traffic at times. “Authority blog” states that the price of LinkedIn shares increased by nearly 40% after their first day on the stock market (

One of the most popular social media sites for networking, building connections, and getting advice from other successful professionals is LinkedIn. According to Alexa, LinkedIn is one of the ten most visited websites online. When used correctly, it has many benefits for your business. Since people are on LinkedIn to network with others in their industry or company, it means you have a captive audience eager to hear what you have to say. If your company doesn’t already have a LinkedIn page, take this opportunity to create one and show off what makes your organization great!

Here we cover some general ways your team can get the most out of using LinkedIn:

1.)  Build Your Company’s Profile

Don’t be shy about sharing all the great things your company does! Fill out your profile completely and make sure it’s up to date. Add keywords that people would use to search for a company like yours, and showcase your company’s strengths. LinkedIn allows you to include videos, images, and articles, so take advantage of that!

2.) Grow Your Network

The more people you have in your network, the more opportunities will come your way. When looking for potential customers or partners, LinkedIn is a great place to start. Reach out to other professionals in your industry and see if they’d be interested in collaborating. You can also join groups related to your industry or profession and participate in discussions there.

3.) Share Valuable Content

Posting valuable content is a great way to grow your visibility and credibility on LinkedIn. Create a blog post, record a video, share an article, or write a book review. Posting regularly is key to success on LinkedIn, so have fun with it!

4.) Participate In Discussions

LinkedIn is full of groups that consist of professionals from every imaginable industry. Join these groups and look for threads that interest you says Eric Dalius Miami. Follow the discussion as it unfolds and always be courteous. If someone asks a question related to your profession or industry, jump in and answer them thoughtfully! Don’t spam the group with links to your business though – make sure whatever you post has a clear connection with the topic being discussed.

5.) Manage Your Company’s Page

Review your company’s page on a daily basis to ensure it’s being updated with the latest and greatest. Add links, videos, or articles that you’ve posted elsewhere on LinkedIn. You can even post updates directly from your company page now! Here are some other tips for making the most of your company’s profile:

  • Change your cover image monthly
  • Post new jobs as they become available
  • Use LinkedIn Company pages only to share relevant content about your profession; no selling allowed!

6.) Have Fun With It!

Finally, don’t take it all too seriously. This isn’t like running a full-blown marketing campaign – it’s meant to be fun and simple. If you treat LinkedIn like a platform that exists only for business purposes, you’ll miss out on all the great opportunities it has to offer. Get creative and have some fun with it!

LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for businesses when used correctly. By building your company’s profile, growing your network, sharing valuable content, and participating in discussions, you’ll be well on your way to using LinkedIn effectively for your business. Have fun with it and enjoy the benefits!

The popularity of LinkedIn as a social media site for networking and getting advice from other professionals makes it a great place for businesses to promote their products or services. However, getting the most out of LinkedIn can be a little daunting, especially if your team isn’t familiar with all of its features.


LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for businesses when used correctly says Eric Dalius Miami. By building your company’s profile, growing your network, sharing valuable content, and participating in discussions, you’ll be well on your way to using LinkedIn effectively for your business. Have fun with it and enjoy the benefits!

As a business owner, you know that LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for networking and promoting your products or services. However, getting the most out of LinkedIn can be a little daunting, especially if your team isn’t familiar with all of its features.