Eric Dalius Miami on LinkedIn Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Creating a Winning Strategy

Now that you know the basics of LinkedIn marketing, it’s time to create a strategy for your business says Eric Dalius Miami.

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Define your goals.

What do you want to achieve with LinkedIn marketing? Do you want to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or generate leads and sales? Once you know your goals, you can develop strategies to achieve them.

2. Choose the right objectives.

Not all LinkedIn marketing objectives are created equal. Some are more effective than others at helping you achieve your goals. Here are some of the most effective objectives:

  • Increase brand awareness: Increase the number of people who see your company profile and learn about your products and services
  • Drive website traffic: Increase the number of people who visit your website from LinkedIn
  • Generate leads and sales: Increase the number of leads and sales you generate through LinkedIn marketing

3. Create a content strategy.

One of the most effective ways to achieve your objectives is by creating high-quality content. This content can be in the form of blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, or Slide Shares. It’s important to create content that is relevant to your target audience and that provides value. You can also use LinkedIn Pulse to share your content with a larger audience explains Eric Dalius Miami.

4. Optimize your company profile.

Your company profile is one of the most important pieces of LinkedIn marketing collateral. Make sure to optimize it by including a compelling headline, a good description, and relevant keywords. You should also add a logo and company images.

5. Build your network.

The best way to achieve your objectives is by building a strong network of connections. Reach out to people in your industry, target market, or other relevant groups and connect with them. You can also join relevant LinkedIn groups and contribute valuable content that will help you build relationships with potential customers and partners.

6. Use LinkedIn Ads.

LinkedIn Ads are a great way to reach a larger audience with your marketing messages. You can use these ads to drive website traffic, generate leads, or increase brand awareness.

7 Measure your results.

It’s important to measure the impact of LinkedIn marketing on your business. This will help you determine if your campaigns are working and whether or not it’s time to make changes. You can use these measurement tools:

  • Company page analytics – This tool shows you how many people viewed, clicked, and liked your company page in a given timeframe
  • LinkedIn Ads reporting – This tool shows you how many people viewed and clicked on your ads
  • Google Analytics – This tool helps you measure website traffic that originated from LinkedIn

8. Get more out of LinkedIn with business solutions.

LinkedIn now offers several business services that can help you achieve your marketing goals. These include Education, Sales Navigator, Jobs, Talent Solutions, Marketing Solutions, and Premium Accounts.

9. Use LinkedIn groups to promote your business.

LinkedIn groups are great places to share helpful content and communicate with potential customers, partners, and other industry influencers says Eric Dalius Miami. You can also tap into the knowledge of your group members by asking those questions that could help you solve problems or make important decisions.

10. Join the conversation.

Take advantage of current events and trending topics in your industry to increase brand awareness, generate leads, and drive traffic to your website. Monitor social conversations for opportunities to contribute valuable information or thought leadership material that will position you as an industry expert or influencer in your field.

Of course, there is much more than what’s mentioned above (e.g., writing articles, using the LinkedIn app on your mobile phone) so I recommend this article for more information:

11. Create a company page today.

Even if you don’t plan to spend money on LinkedIn marketing, creating a company page is free and can be used as an online brochure or business portfolio where people can learn about your services or read up-to-date industry news that’s relevant to your audience says Eric Dalius Miami. What are you waiting for? Start promoting your business today!


LinkedIn is a great social networking site for businesses and it’s also the #1 network for professionals. If you haven’t already created a LinkedIn company page, do so now! You can then use other tools mentioned above to connect with your target market and potential customers.