The Power Of Curb Appeal

1. What is curb appeal   

Curb appeal has become a very important part of the real estate marketing process. Home curb appeal will make or break your home when it comes to selling it. A good idea is to hire a professional who can look at your house and give you a realistic assessment of what will appeal to buyers, so you can make any needed repairs before showing your home to anyone.

It might seem obvious, but the first thing to do when considering what is home curb appeal is to keep grass trimmed. This means that you need to have the grass cut at least one foot over the natural surface of the lot. If you have a large amount of grass, the edge should be trimmed so that it cuts around the edge and not through it, as this is very unappealing. If you have a small yard, you should be able to get by with just mowing the grass down and getting rid of dead leaves, but if it is a large yard, you should really consider getting the edge of the lawn professionally manicured.

When you are looking at what is home curb appeal from the street, you also need to pay attention to your landscaping. If you have bushes that are overgrown or even dead, you should have them trimmed or even replaced. You should also pay attention to your flower beds. If they are overgrown and dead, you should consider pulling them out and having new ones planted in their place. You should keep in mind that while flowers may be attractive, they will also add to the amount of maintenance you will have to do. Therefore, unless you are a professional gardener or you are comfortable with doing this work, you may want to consider hiring someone to do this work for you.

You should be able to take these tips to consideration as you begin to look at what is home curb appeal. You should remember that when you are trying to sell your home, there are going to be real estate buyers who will look at the outside of the house. What you want to do is make your house appealing while making sure that there is plenty to the inside of the house that will allow those buyers to see all of the good things you have done to maintain your home. You should take a little bit of time to consider what is home curb appeal and make sure that you think about how you can improve the outside of your home in order to draw in more buyers and increase the amount of money you will make when you sell your home.

 2. Most important things to update   

Most people think that the most important home outdoor updates to make are those that can directly affect their ability to enjoy the outdoors. This is probably because a lot of us live in areas where it can be cold or rain quite a bit. In these kinds of conditions, any sort of improvement to the exterior of your home is going to help us enjoy better outdoor conditions for ourselves as well as for others. This is certainly true, but there are a lot of other things that you can do to improve the look and feel of your home. These changes may not seem substantial at first glance, but in fact they can be quite important if you want to improve your home’s value, attract more renters, or just simply improve the quality of your life. You’ll find that by taking the time to really consider some of the most important home exterior updates to make, you can make quite a difference in your home’s overall value, comfort, and functionality.

The first thing that you should consider is the landscaping around your home. While you might think that this would be an easy thing to do, it can actually be quite difficult to keep up with the seasonal changes that occur due to the weather. When it comes to making improvements, make sure that you are working on the areas outside your home, and not just inside the house. Even if you are working on your indoor space, you’ll still want to make sure that there is adequate light coming into the room from all angles. If you are installing lighting on the inside of the house, make sure that it also has sufficient light coming into the rooms that it is serving.

One of the most important home outdoor updates to make is to make sure that you properly water your garden and grass each spring. Even when the weather is dry, you should make sure that you water the garden at least twice a day. This will help to keep the grass and shrubs green, which will prevent them from drying out and becoming more susceptible to drying out and cracking. This is something that you don’t want to do, as it could end up costing you money in the long run.

Another thing that you’ll want to do is to check and make sure that your gutters are not clogged. Many people underestimate the importance of keeping their gutters clear. If they become clogged, then water will not be able to flow through them properly, which will cause them to eventually lead to mold in your home. You also want to make sure that you are doing everything that you can to keep your doors and windows sealed as well. You never know when bad weather will hit your area, and it’s best to be prepared so that you can protect your investment.

Something else that you’ll want to consider is that the lighting in your home needs to be monitored when it comes to the exterior. There are many cases of homes being damaged by hurricanes and strong storms simply because the owners did not take the time to make sure that their home was properly equipped for the weather. Most people fail to realize that the proper lights for the outside of their home need to be inspected every few months. In addition to this, you will want to make sure that you are adding storm shutters to your home as well. Storm shutters will go a long way in protecting your home against heavy rain, strong winds, hail, and other types of weather damage.

These are the most important home outdoor updates to make. They will all help to ensure that you have a safe and healthy home for you and your family. Your outdoor areas will be safe, clean, dry, and secure. You won’t have to worry about anything bad happening to your home, and you can spend more time enjoying your garden, back yard, or patio. If you try to make your outdoor areas safe and secure, you will be happy with the results for many years to come.

 3. Landscaping 

Landscaping is crucial when it comes to curb appeal because it is often the first thing that catches peoples eyes. A well landscaped yard can improve your curb appeal, increase your home’s resale value as well as aide in lowering your home’s Penn Power utility bill. The first key to a successful home landscaping project is planning. No matter how great your lawn might be right now, don’t do any spring cleanings or any other drastic house-cleaning tasks before you plan your summer or winter scenes. A spring cleaning and a little landscaping are definitely enough to show potential buyers that your home is in great shape, but a winter scene or full flower garden takes that advantage right out of the equation! So, if you really want to impress potential buyers, schedule a little spring cleaning and some trimming in the fall before you start planning.

Besides planning your landscaping, another important part of any good landscape is color coordination. If your home landscaping is gorgeous from the curb, you should try to match that beauty throughout your yard as well. One of the easiest ways to do this is to use the same basic color patterns for your pathways, your walkways, and even your plants. While it may seem like a hassle, it’s an easy way to ensure that your home landscaping features match everything else in your yard. This is especially true when you have multiple different landscaping features that draw visitors to your home, such as a beautiful walkway or large tree that could be easily seen from your front door.